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About Amaysim

Amaysim is one of Australia’s premier telecommunications providers, which is incredibly remarkable when you consider the fact that the company in question is not yet seven years old. Founded by five enthusiastic and highly optimistic individuals back in 2010, Amaysim was able to go from strength to strength and, less than seven years later, the company was able to establish itself as one of the most reputable and most popular telecommunications providers in all of Australia. Amaysim pride themselves on their customer service and offer their clients a series of affordable and efficient broadband and mobile plans. Operating as an MVNO, or Mobile Virtual Network Operator on 4G opus network, all of the products offered by Amaysim come with no locked in contracts, along with unlimited text and calls to numbers in Australia, as well as 10 international countries. For those of you looking for fantastic mobile deals, broadband deals, or perhaps even both, Amaysim is the ideal company for you.

Where to find up-to-date Amaysim deals?

Just because Amaysim already offer some Amazing (pardon the pun) deals, that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t benefit from saving even more. You see, on the web you will find websites listing Amaysim deals, and if you’re lucky you may even find one of these deals that actually works. However, more often than not, the Amaysim promo code offers that you find on most websites, will be invalid and basically useless. Our website however, is very different. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide our visitors with working Amaysim deals, which is why we do everything in our power to ensure that the Amaysim promo code deals and offers that we list, are working and up-to-date at the time of their posting. This is ideal because it means that you are almost certainly to find working promo codes, rather than suffer the bitter disappointment of finding a deal that looks too good to be true, only to find that the code is invalid when you enter it at the checkout.

Why choose Amaysim?

There are plenty of reasons to choose Amaysim, which is why the company is currently the 4th largest telecommunications provider in all of Australia, despite the fact that they are barely six years old. Amaysim currently has some of the lowest volumes of complaints in telecommunications history, and when you consider the fact the telecommunications is riddled with issues, this is remarkable. In fact, Amaysim have won numerous awards for their stellar customer service, and in today’s markets, that is very impressive indeed.

Things to know about Amaysim

Before you make your way over to our website and start checking out the different Amaysim promo code offers we have, first we’ll leave you with some interesting facts about the telecommunications company that truly does put its customers first.

  • Amaysim have won awards for their customer service, including Roy Morgan Research awards, and Canstar Blue rewards.
  • Amaysim generates net incomes of just under A$60 million
  • There are currently only around 130 people employed by Amaysim
  • Amaysim purchased ABS (Australian Broadband Service) back in 2016
  • Amaysim was founded in November 2010 and by November 2016, they reached one million customers

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