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About Staples

If you happen to work in any form of office setting, you will almost certainly be more than familiar with Staples. For everybody else however, allow us to bring you up to speed. Staples is the most popular and well-known stationary company on the face of the earth, and this has been the case for many, many years now. Founded back in 1986, Staples now has over 1500 stores located in North America, and many more in countries across the globe, including the UK, and Australia. Believe it or not, but if it wasn’t for a dodgy typewriter ribbon, we probably wouldn’t have Staples at all. Tom Stemberg, the founder of the business, was working one weekend when suddenly, out of the blue, the ribbon on his typewriter snapped. It just so happened that it was the 4th of July, so naturally all other businesses were closed. Tom travelled across town trying to source a new ribbon, but sadly he had no luck. He then realized this was a fairly common problem, and decided to come up with a solution. Less than a year later he opened the world’s first Staples, a supermarket which was based primarily around stationary and office supplies. The store was an instant hit, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Where you will find working Staples coupons online

Staples may not be the most glamorous of stores, but boy is it important, especially if you happen to be a business owner or an office worker. Whether you need a new chair, ink for the printer, paper, pens, stationary, a desk, or anything else, a trip to Staples is almost certainly pretty high on your agenda. Before you decide to do that however, you might wish to take a look at our website first. The reason for this is that we post Staples coupons online that will save you money on your Staples purchases. Simply make your way onto our site and check out the Staples coupon code deals and offers that we post, and start saving money today. Thanks to our awesome employees, our site is always being updated with the latest Staples coupon code offers and deals, allowing you to save heaps upon heaps of money with very little effort.

Why choose Staples for all of your stationary needs?

If you’re on the lookout for office supplies or stationary, a trip to Staples is essential. Staples have pretty much every office supply you could wish for, all for very affordable prices.

Interesting facts about Staples

You’re probably now itching to go and purchase that new notepad you’ve had your eye on for so long, or that new desk tidy. Before you do that however, here are some interesting facts about Staples, that you may not have been aware of:

  • Worldwide Staples sales have topped close to $20 Billion
  • There are more than 80,000 people employed by Staples
  • Staples was founded back in 1986
  • Today it is the most popular office stationary business in the world

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